권성춘, 반려동물학전공 책임교수
- 전공
- 반려동물학
- 직위(직급)
- 교수
- 이메일
- skwon2028@cku.ac.kr
- 전화번호
- 033-649-7463
- 연구실
- 라파엘관 402호
평활근의 생리 및 병태생리
- 경북대학교 수의학사
- 기후대학교 수의학석사
- 동경대학교 농학박사 (수의약리학전공)
- 버지니아대학교 의대 생리학교실 Research Associate
- 네바다대학교 의대 생리학교실 Post-doc
- 연세대학교 의과대학 생리학교실 연구전임조교수
- -A Lipid Emulsion Reverses Toxic-Dose Bupivacaine-Induced Vasodilation during Tyrosine Phosphorylation-Evoked Contraction in Isolated Rat Aortae. Int J Mol Sci. 2017 Feb 13;18(2).
- -Lipid emulsion inhibits vasodilation induced by a toxic dose of bupivacaine by suppressing bupivacaine-induced PKC and CPI-17 dephosphorylation but has no effect on vasodilation induced by a toxic dose of mepivacaine. Korean J Pain. 2016 Oct;29(4):229-238.
- -Dexmedetomidine-Induced Contraction Involves CPI-17 Phosphorylation in Isolated Rat Aortas. Int J Mol Sci. 2016 Sep 30;17(10).
- -Lipid Emulsion Inhibits Vasodilation Induced by a Toxic Dose of Bupivacaine via Attenuated Dephosphorylation of Myosin
- -Phosphatase Target Subunit 1 in Isolated Rat Aorta. Int J Med Sci. 2015 Nov 5;12(12):958-67.
- -Dexmedetomidine-Induced Contraction in the Isolated Endothelium-Denuded Rat Aorta Involves PKC-δ-mediated JNK Phosphorylation. Int J Med Sci. 2015 Sep 4;12(9):727-36.
- -Carvacrol inhibits atherosclerotic neointima formation by downregulating reactive oxygen species production in vascular smooth muscle cells.
- -Atherosclerosis. 2015 Jun;240(2):367-73.
- -Mepivacaine-induced intracellular calcium increase appears to be mediated primarily by calcium influx in rat aorta without endothelium. Korean J Anesthesiol. 2014 Dec;67(6):404-11.
- -Bupivacaine-induced Vasodilation Is Mediated by Decreased Calcium Sensitization in Isolated Endothelium-denuded Rat Aortas
- -Precontracted with Phenylephrine. Korean J Pain. 2014 Jul;27(3):229-38.
- -Mepivacaine-induced contraction involves increased calcium sensitization mediated via Rho kinase and protein kinase C in endothelium-denuded rat aorta. Eur J Pharmacol. 2014 Jan 15;723:185-93.
평활근 실험 지침서 (번역서)
대한생리학회 이사 (2008년 – 현재)